First post of 2019. Time for a New Years Resolution. This is a very exciting time of the year for me. As a School owner for 6 years, the new year resolution always bring new signups and more business. But it is also a very sad time. It’s because 80% of New Years resolution fail by February. What should you do to not be part of those 80%? Here are 5 important keys that I learned through Jiu-Jitsu that can help achieve your goal on or off the mats.
1 - Commitment Be honest with your self. Is your goal real? Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. Many people create expectations and forget that the path to success it’s not that easy. You will find some bumps on the road that will slow you down. Only your commitment can motivate you to your success.
2- Consistency Rome wasn’t built in a day. One year has 365 days. I’m sure you will face a tough day. It’s alright! Keep on track and don’t let the habit of finding excuses lead you to failure.
3 - Track your progress. I’m sure nowadays almost everybody has a smart phone. Use the technology to track your progress. Collect data. Trying to lose weight? Write how many pounds you lost. Trying to increase your sales? Write how much did you sell this week. Trying to have more mat time? Write how many sessions you did this week. A visual data can help you plan or change the strategy to your goals.
4 - Be Positive. Having a positive mindset is very important. You don’t have to fully believe in the law of attraction but it’s common sense! If you beat yourself up and start creating negative thoughts that will definitely lead you to a negative action. Deep breath and let that positive energy take care the rest.
5 - Love your self first. I’m not saying for you to be Egocentric. Don’t be confused! What I mean is simply manage your goals and separate what is priority and what is not. Nothing wrong to have 1 or 2 hours of your day to yourself so you can work towards your cause. If you don't want an unrequited love, Love yourself. When I read about successful athletes, business people, it was never easy for them. Things like waking up at 5am, doing that extra training, etc. They also face challenges on the road. The only difference is that they don’t give up.
I wish a Happy new year full of success to you all and Good Luck! Oss